First Kendall Knob - 1.15.2008
Hyak ski area... taken from the Gold Creek Snow Park... Exit 54 off of I-90... this ski trip will be 7 miles roundtrip, gaining 1700 feet of elevation.
Marshmellows at the Gold Creek Snow Park (2600').
Starting up the road... 5 to 8 inches of fresh powder snow... only one hiker and one skier are ahead of me.
Second Kendall Knob is in the sunshine... I've passed the skier and the hiker will stop at the 1 mile mark.
Denny Mtn and part of the Snoqualmie Pass ski area... Wright Mtn is the little pyramid up the valley on the right.
Looking up valley to Kendall Peak... virgin snow for the next 1.25 miles to First Kendall Knob.
Looking back down valley across I-90 to the Ski Acres ski area... still have a half mile left to reach the Knob.
Denny Mtn on the left and Second Kendall Knob in the sunshine.
I've reached First Kendall Knob (4300')... looking at Kendall Peak with Red Mtn in the sunshine on the far left.
A closeup of Guye Peak and Mt. Snoqualmie from First Kendall Knob.
Denny Mtn on the left... Byrant and Chair in the clouds... Guye and Snoqualmie in the sunshine.
Granite Mtn is behind the Snoqualmie Pass ski area.
Rampart Ridge from First Kendall Knob.
Keechelus Lake from First Kendall Knob.
A closeup of Keechelus Lake.
Most of the Snoqualmie Pass ski area.
A closeup of Denny Mtn from First Kendall Knob... Chair Peak is almost out of the clouds on the right.
A closeup of Granite Mtn... you can see the lookout on top.