Lichtenwasser Lake - 2.3.2009
Park in the Sno-park (3169') on the north side of US 2... less than .25 miles east of FS 6700 (Smith Brook).
rodman and madman on FS6700... which we traveled for ~2 miles... leaving the road at the first hair-pin turn (3760') and heading SW for Lichtenwasser Lake.
After leaving the road we used snowshoes to arrive at Lichtenwasser Lake (4704') in ~1 mile... Lichtenberg Mtn in the distance.
rodman and madman at Lichtenwasser Lake... with the SE summit of Lichtenberg Mtn in the distance.
Smith Brook near US 2.
Nason Creek along US 2.
More Nason Creek.
Ice on Nason Creek.
More Nason Creek.
Still more of Nason Creek.