Amabilis Mountain - 2.27.2009
~2.5 miles into the trip I got this view of Keechelus Lake... with Tinkham, Silver, Catherine, Granite, Low, Denny, Kaleetan, and Chair beyond.
I've reached the plateau... still a half mile left to reach the Amabilis summit.
Keechelus Lake, Tinkham Peak, Silver Peak, Mt. Catherine and Granite Mtn from the plateau.
A zoom shot of Mt. Daniel from the plateau.
A zoom shot of Hibox, Three Queens, Lemah and Chimney Rock from the plateau.
A zoom shot of the Snoqualmie Pass ski area... with a jumble of Low, Denny, Tooth, Bryant, Kaleetan, Chair and part of Roosevelt.
A zoom shot of Granite Mtn from the plateau.
Tinkham, Silver and Catherine above Keechelus Lake.
Kachess Lake from near the Amabilis summit.
I'm SE from the Amabilis summit on the left... with Mt. Hinman and Mt. Daniel up valley.
I've skied around to the NW side of the Amabilis summit for views of Hibox, Three Queens, Lemah and Chimney Rock... with Hinman and Daniel up valley beyond Kachess Lake.
Kachess Lake, Hinman and Daniel from just below the Amabilis summit (4554').
The south end of Kachess Lake from the Amabilis Mtn summit.
Trees near the Amabilis Mtn summit.
More trees near the Amabilis Mtn summit.