Tronsen Head - 4.10.2009
Park just south of Swauk (Blewett) Pass... walk FS 9716 for ~.25 miles... then turn left on the trail leading to Haney Meadow.
rdyhiker and Diamond Head... shortly after leaving FS9716.
Tronsen Head (our target) on the left and Tronsen Knob on the right.
rdyhiker on the trail to Haney Meadow... it snowed on us for an hour.
ragman standing below Tronsen Knob.
rdyhiker working her way past Tronsen Knob... with Diamond Head in the background.
We've reached Tronsen Head (5980')... and look back on Tronsen Knob and Diamond Head.
ragman on Tronsen Head... with some Teanaway peaks in the distance.
rdyhiker on Tronsen Head... most of the Stuart Range is in the clouds.
A closeup of some of the Teanaway Peaks.
The previous photo... with some peak identification.
Continuing east from the Tronsen Head summit... we followed the corniced ridge looking for a good spot to start down.
rdyhiker leads us down from Tronsen Head.
ragman breaking through the snow.
Looking back up towards Tronsen Head... still more than 3 miles left to reach the car... 9 miles roundtrip, gaining ~2000 feet of elevation.