Umtanum Ridge - 5.10.2009
Park at the Umtanum Recreation Area... Take exit 110 east of Ellensburg... then exit 3 onto I-82 east... turn right at the stop sign... then left onto State Route 821 and drive 8.5 miles up Yakima Canyon to the parking area.
Cross the suspension bridge over the Yakima River... walk underneath the railroad tracks... and when the trail forks, turn left and head uphill.
On the unsigned trail heading for Umtanum Ridge.
Denali Girl and Anna Purna on the trail to Umtanum Ridge.
Waterleaf (I think)
Denali Girl, Anna Purna and larman on the way to Umtanum Ridge.
Lupine and bunch of little yellow flowers.
Umtanum Ridge... still some elevation gain left to get there.
Arrowleaf Balsamroot
A closeup of some Arrowleaf Balsamroot.
Looking back on the route that we took from the canyon floor.
Anna Purna, larman and Denali Girl still working to get to the ridge.
Denali Girl and larman are almost on the ridge top... Ellensburg is in the distance.
larman, Denali Girl and Anna Purna on Umtanum Ridge... with The Stuart Range in the distance.
Hedgehog Cactus
Large-Head (Big-Head) Clover
Sagebrush Violets
Looking across a sea of balsamroot towards The Stuart Range.
A closeup of The Stuart Range from Umtanum Ridge... this hike was ~6 miles roundtrip, gaining ~2000 feet of elevation.