Vesper Peak and Sperry Peak - 8.4.2009
rodman's GPS route of our trip to Vesper and Sperry Peaks... 9 miles roundtrip, gaining 5168 feet of elevation.
A 3D-ish look at our hike... this is our general route and not a GPS route.
Drive 28.8 miles from the 4-way stop in Granite Falls and turn onto the Sunrise Mine Road (FS4065)... then drive ~2 miles to the road end to find the trailhead (2280').
After hiking a half-mile, BarbE and rodman cross the South Fork of the Stillaguamish River.
After hiking 1 mile enter Wirtz Basin (3000')... which looks like a box canyon.
Looking back on Sperry Peak from the head of Wirtz Basin.
From the head of Wirtz Basin, BarbE and rodman start the last 400 feet of elevation gain to Headlee Pass.
After hiking for 2.5 miles we've reached Headlee Pass (4600').
Crossing the boulder field between Headlee Pass and the outlet of Lake Elan... Vesper Peak in the distance.
BarbE near the outlet of Lake Elan... with Vesper Peak on the left.
A good place to pump some water... the high point between Vesper Peak and Sperry Peak is in the distance.
rodman and BarbE start hiking towards Vesper Peak.
On the way to Vesper Peak we are looking across Lake Elan to Sperry Peak.
BarbE and rodman are above the trees and continuing towards the Vesper Peak summit.
BarbE and rodman on Vesper's granite slabs.
As we gain elevation on Vesper, Glacier Peak and Sloan Peak come into view.
Morning Star Peak, Del Campo Peak and Gothic Peak... taken on the way to the Vesper Peak summit.
rodman and BarbE take a break as we get closer to the Vesper summit.
rodman and BarbE make the final push to the Vesper Peak summit.
rodman and BarbE at the Vesper Peak summit (6214').
Copper Lake between Little Chief Mtn (left) and Big Four Mtn (red).
From the Vesper summit we are looking beyond Sperry Peak to Glacier Peak and Sloan Peak.
BarbE and rodman start down from Vesper Peak... Morning Star Mtn, Del Campo Peak and Gothic Peak are the 3 close ones.
BarbE and rodman do some boot skiing on the way over to the Vesper/Sperry saddle.
Glissading on the way to the Vesper/Sperry saddle.
rodman and BarbE are working their way underneath the high point between Vesper and Sperry... on the way to the Vesper/Sperry saddle... Vesper Peak has a sheer north side.
We are near the Vesper/Sperry saddle... looking across Lake Elan to Morning Star Peak and Gothic Peak.
Sperry Peak from near the Vesper/Sperry saddle.
Vesper Peak from the Vesper/Sperry saddle... the high point between Vesper and Sperry is on the right.
rodman is a few hundred feet below the Sperry Peak summit.
rodman and BarbE are nearing the last two hundred feet of brush and boulders that lead to the Sperry Peak summit.
Weaving through the brush and boulders.
rodman is just below the Sperry Peak summit (6120') on the right.
BarbE on the Sperry Peak summit... with Vesper Peak in the distance.
Del Campo Peak, Morning Star Peak and Gothic Peak... taken from the Sperry Peak summit.
Some of the Monte Cristo Peaks... taken from the Sperry Peak summit.
Big Four Mtn from the Sperry Peak summit.
A closeup of Vesper Peak from the Sperry Peak summit.
rodman and BarbE coming down from Sperry Peak.
Looking back on Sperry Peak as BarbE and rodman come across a boulder field.
BarbE coming down from the Vesper/Sperry saddle... on the way to Lake Elan.
We've reached the north end of Lake Elan... with views of Morning Star Peak and Gothic Peak.
rodman and BarbE on the west side of Lake Elan.
rodman and BarbE crossing the boulder field leading to Headlee Pass (left-center of photo)... with Morning Star Peak above.
Sperry Peak on the right... taken from the head of Wirtz Basin... 2 miles left to get back to the car.