Bootjack Mountain and Highchair Mountain - 8.25.2009
Park at the Doctor Creek washout on the Icicle Creek road... then ride a mountain bike for 4.3 miles to the trailhead (2900')... which is just east of the Blackpine Creek Horse Camp.
Hike for an eighth of a mile on the Jackpine Trail #1597.
Now take the Blackjack Ridge Trail #1565 and start switchbacking towards Blackjack Ridge.
Around 6000 feet, views start to open up.
Bootjack Mtn from the Blackjack Ridge Trail.
madman nears the Bootjack Mtn summit (6789').
Highchair Mtn and the ridge that connects it to Bootjack Mtn.
madman on the ridge and heading for Highchair Mtn...
Looking back on Bootjack Mtn from the ridge leading to Highchair Mtn.
We are near the low point (~6400') on the ridge and will hold our elevation and hike into the treed basin below the summit.
The tadpole tarn is alive and well in the Highchair basin.
Looking back on Bootjack Mtn from above the Highchair basin.
madman is working his way up to the ridge south of the Highchair summit.
madman on the ridge south of the Highchair summit.
madman on the Highchair Mtn summit (7016').
A closeup of Grindstone Mtn... Cape Horn is on the far left above Ladies Pass.
Cashmere Mtn from Highchair Mtn.
The Cradle with Mt. Daniel in the distance... the twin summits on the right is Granite Mtn.
A closeup of Mt. Daniel.
Looking north along Sixtysix Hundred Ridge.
A pano shot from Mt. Cashmere on the left to Harding Mtn and Fish Eagle Peak on the right.
Jack Ridge, Mt. Stuart, Ingalls Peak and Harding Mtn.
Stuart, Ingalls, Harding and Fish Eagle.
A closeup of Harding Mtn.
Looking at our route back over to Bootjack Mtn... with the Chiwaukum Mtns and Icicle Ridge beyond.