Microwave Hill and Keechelus Ridge - 12.9.2009
rodman's GPS route of our trip to Keechelus Ridge... 8.5 miles roundtrip, gaining 3028 feet of elevation.
The hike starts from the Price Creek Sno-park (2600')... located ~.5 miles west of Exit 62 on the north side of I-90.
Shortly after crossing Nobel and Price creeks turn right and follow the road uphill.
ragman is on fire!
BarbE and rodman discuss whether or not to leave the road and go cross-country.
We decided to stay on the road and followed it all the way to...
the radio tower on Microwave Hill (4960').
BarbE and rodman on Microwave Hill... with Ranier beyond.
A pano shot taken near Microwave Hill... Mt. Thomson and Huckleberry Mtn on the left to Mt. Stuart and Thorp Mtn on the right.
A closeup of Mt. Stuart... with Thorp Mtn in the right foreground.
rodman and BarbE near the top of Microwave Hill.
Bandera Mtn, Mt. Defiance and Granite Mtn from Microwave Hill.
From Microwave Hill we hiked a half-mile through the woods to the high point on Keechelus Ridge.
ragman and BarbE near the high point (5151') on Keechelus Ridge... Kachess Lake is beyond... with part of Amabilis Mtn in the right foreground.
We took a more direct route on our return... cutting some switchbacks in the road.