Hickman Bridge - 9.14.2010
The Hickman Natural Bridge trailhead is located on Hwy 24... 1.9 miles east of the Visitor Center.
No matter how you look at it... the Hickman Natural Bridge is an arch.
The beginning of the hike goes along the Fremont River and the park doesn't want anyone to fall into the river.
View from the Hickman Natural Bridge trail.
Pano shot from the Hickman Natural Bridge trail.
View from the Hickman Natural Bridge trail.
Look hard for the arch in the center of the photo.
Underneath Hickman Bridge.
Underneath Hickman Bridge.
Looking through Hickman Bridge.
Looking through Hickman Bridge.
Underneath Hickman Bridge.
View from Hickman Bridge.
Denali Girl becomes one with the rock.
View from Hickman Bridge... the hike was 2 miles roundtrip, gaining 400 feet of elevation.