Granite Mountain - 1.27.2011
rodman's GPS route of our trip to the NW summit and true summit of Granite Mtn... 8.85 miles roundtrip, gaining 4208 feet of elevation.
Packing up at the Pratt Lake Trailhead... take Exit 47 off of I-90 and find the trailhead (1880') on the north side of the freeway.
Lots of places to go from the Pratt Lake trailhead... we will go left at the Granite/Pratt 'Y' and continue towards Talapus, Ollalie and Pratt Lakes.
After 3.75 miles of hiking, bypass the junction (3700') to Talapus Lake and continue towards Pratt Lake.
A quarter mile past the Talapus/Pratt junction we put on snowshoes and headed cross-country towards Red-2 (Point 5160+).
Silver Peak (center) and Abiel Peak (right) from just below Red-2.
A closeup of Little Tahoma and the Willis Wall on Mt. Rainier... from just below Red-2.
Working our way to the top of Red-2... and looking over to the lookout and summit of Granite Mtn.
Beyond Red-2 now and heading for the NW summit of Granite.
Looking down on Ollalie Lake... Bandera Mtn (left) and Pratt Mtn in the foreground... then McClellan Butte and Mt. Defiance... The Olympics on the distant horizon.
Nearing the NW summit of Granite Mtn (a.k.a. Tusk O'Granite).
Near the NW summit of Granite Mtn... looking down on Red-2... and out to Mt. Rainier.
Summit party waiting for ragman to arrive.
From the NW summit of Granite Mtn (5566')... left to right... rodman, Middle E, Sadie's Driver, Gus (dog), Kaleetan Peak, BarbE and iraman.
Looking down on Crystal Lake from Granite's NW summit... with Low Mtn in the foreground.
Looking across Low Mtn to Mt. Hinman (all snow) on the left... then Snoqualmie Mtn, Chimney Rock, Lemah Mtn, Mt. Thomson, Chikamin Peak and Four Brothers.
Gus watches BarbE and Sadie's Driver getting ready to do some serious damage to a snow creature.
Group shot as we get ready to leave Tusk O'Granite and head for Granite's true summit in the distance.
Ascending towards Granite's summit... steeper than it looks here... if you happen to be an atheist, reconsider!
rodman and BarbE traversing underneath the corniced NW ridge of Granite Mtn.
We can see the lookout now... just to the right of the summit... Opus' tracks from a couple days ago on the right.
Looking east from the Granite Mtn summit (5629').
A closeup of Kaleetan Peak, Chair Peak and Bryant Peak.
Looking past the summit cornice to Keechelus Lake in the distance.
The Granite Mtn lookout.
Looking beyond the summit cornice to Kaleetan Peak, Chair Peak and Bryant Peak.
Leaving the Granite Mtn summit and more or less heading due south to find the trail.
BarbE, rodman and Sadie's Driver streaking downhill and looking for refreshments.
Looking back up to the lookout as we head for the barn.
One last photo stop before finding the trail at ~2600 feet... leaving a 1.25 mile hike back to the trailhead... these folks tried to kill me on this hike.