Umtanum Ridge - 2.26.2011
Take the E82/S97 (exit 110) off of I-90... then drive 3 miles and take Exit 3 (Thrall Road)... then drive .4 miles and turn left on to Canyon Road (aka Hwy 821)... then drive 8.1 miles to the trailhead.
The parking area for the Umtanum Creek Recreation area... and the footbridge that crosses the Yakima River.
Ice floating down the Yakima River... 15 degrees at the trailhead.
Did I mention that it was 15 degrees at the trailhead.
Water running underneath the ice.
More ice formations.
Looking up the Umtanum Creek valley (another hiking option if you want to stay low and follow the creek) as we turn left and head uphill towards Umtanum Ridge.
This waterfall has stopped flowing.
Denali Girl heading uphill... Umtanum Ridge in the distance.
Denali Girl gaining elevation on the way to Umtanum Ridge.
You can see the snow covered trail in the center of the photo... snaking its way to the top of Umtanum Ridge.
Even in winter there is color in the area.
Denali Girl and the great wide open.
The main path to the ridge is on the rib on the horizon... but we have chosen to take a more direct route... there are lots of ways to reach the ridge top.
Near the top of the ridge under a blue sky.
Looking at the snowy foothills above Ellensburg... the Yakima River is 2000 feet below on the right.
Denali Girl near our high point on Umtanum Ridge.
The hedgehog cactus look a little different in the winter.
Sunshine on Umtanum Ridge while the Cascades are gray.
Denali Girl coming down from Umtanum Ridge... we decided to take the main path for our return to the car.
Looking east to the route we used on the way up to the ridge.
Still very chilly in the valley.
Almost back to the car... the hike was ~6 miles roundtrip, gaining ~2000 feet of elevation.