Housetop Mountain - 8.9.2011
Our backpacking route from the top of the tram in Teton Village to our campsite in the pass between the Middle Fork and North Fork of Granite Canyon... 5 miles of hiking, gaining 700 feet of elevation.
Our dayhike route from our campsite in the pass between the Middle Fork and North Fork of Granite Canyon to the summit of Housetop Mountain... 4 miles roundtrip, gaining 1300 feet of elevation.
We started this trip from Teton Village by riding the Jackson Hole tram to the top of Rendezvous Mountain.
The top of the tram is at 10,450 feet.
Denali Girl at the top of the Jackson Hole tram... ready for some backpacking.
We will follow the Rendezvous Mountain Trail for 3.5 miles to the Middle Fork Cut-Off Trail.
An interesting flower on the Rendezvous Mountain Trail.
The Rendezvous Mountain Trail quickly drops to 9400 feet in the first mile.
We've reached the Middle Fork Cut-Off Trail (8800') after hiking 3.5 miles... and will use it to connect with the Teton Crest Trail.
Denali Girl on the Middle Fork Cut-Off Trail... with Rendezvous Mountain and Cody Peak in the distance.
After hiking the half-mile on the Middle Fork Cut-Off Trail we have reached the Teton Crest Trail... and will head towards Marion Lake.
In the Middle Fork Granite Creek Basin... only need to gain 300 feet of elevation to reach the pass where we will camp.
Denali Girl above the Middle Fork Granite Creek Basin... with Cody Peak above her head in the distance.
Our campsite in the pass between Middle Fork Granite Canyon and North Fork Granite Canyon.
After setting up camp we decided to hike up the Game Creek Trail and see if we could get to the top of Housetop Mountain.
Left to right from near our campsite... Point 10,116, Fossil Mtn, Mt. Bannon (distant) and Point 10,043 (far right).
Looking back toward Rendezvous Mountain, Cody Peak and Rendezvous Peak from near our campsite.
The general route from our campsite to the summit of Housetop Mountain.
Denali Girl on the Game Creek Trail.
The ridge that will lead us to Point 10,214 and Housetop Mountain (far right).
Denali Girl following the Game Creek Trail on the 9700 foot shelf west of the Middle Fork Granite Canyon... now we can see The Grand (center) in the distance.
Pano shot from the 9700 foot shelf west of the Middle Fork Granite Canyon.
Views broaden as we gain elevation toward Game Creek Pass.
Still gaining elevation toward Game Creek Pass.
We have reached Game Creek Pass... Housetop Mountain in the distance on the left... Marion Lake on the right.
The route that will lead first to Point 10,214 and then to the Housetop Mountain summit.
Broad views... the North Fork of Granite Canyon runs from the center of the photo to the right... Marion Lake in the center of the photo.
Denali Girl decides to stop and enjoy the views while I continue on.
From Point 10,214 I can see the target.
Looking back at Point 10,214 as I get ready for the final push to the Housetop summit... pretty tarn below... Cody Peak (center) in the distance.
I will be on the summit very shortly.
Looking north and NE from the Housetop Mountain summit (10,537').
The Housetop Mountain summit cairn... or is it a wind break.
Looking west into Idaho from the Housetop Mountain summit.
The map lists the green valley as 'Fox Creek Falls' and it does lead to Fox Creek Pass in the right center of the photo.
On the way back now... took this photo from Point 10,214.
Another photo from Point 10,214.
From Point 10,214 I'm looking across the pass where we will camp to Rendezvous Mountain, Cody Peak and Rendezvous Peak.
No idea what this is.
Denali Girl on the 9700 foot shelf above our campsite... heading back to camp now for a well deserved rest.