Mount Hunt - 8.11.2011
The third day of our '4 day, 3 night' backpack trip... relocate camp from the N. Fork Granite Canyon to Open Canyon by going over the Mt. Hunt Divide... and include a side trip to the Mt. Hunt summit... total day stats are 8.5 miles, gaining 2500 feet of elevation.
Denali Girl leaving camp in the N. Fork Granite Creek.
The bugs were bad in camp so we stopped along the trail to eat breakfast.
Looking back up the N. Fork Granite Canyon to Point 10,116... Housetop Mtn is in the distance on the left.
After a half-mile of hiking we will take the Open Canyon Trail to the Mt. Hunt Divide.
On the Open Canyon Trail now... looking across Granite Canyon to Rendezvous Mtn (far left) and Cody Peak (center).
Yellow hillside... made so by Balsamroot.
Still ascending on the Open Canyon Trail.
Denali Girl nearing the Mt. Hunt Divide.
We think the Mt. Hunt Divide is on the far right... however it is a false divide... Mt. Hunt is on the far left.
An awkward spot on the trail.
A persistent snow cave.
Gaining elevation above Granite Canyon as we head for the Mt. Hunt Divide... Rendezvous Mtn in the distance.
Denali Girl on the Open Canyon Trail.
Finally... the Mt. Hunt Divide on the far right... with Mt. Hunt on the far left.
Looking east down Granite Canyon to Jackson Hole in the valley.
I've left the trail just short of the Mt. Hunt Divide (center) and on my way to the Mt. Hunt summit.
Steeper than it looks... which way to go when I get closer to the summit?... I will go to the right of the snowfield to get quicker views from the ridge.
I've reached the ridge... Phelps Lake is at the east end of Open Canyon... the Mt. Hunt Divide is lower right in the photo.
From the ridge... the Mt. Hunt summit is somewhere higher on the left... Point 10,988 on the right.
I'm starting to wonder if I picked the wrong side of the snowfield to be on... there will be some Class 3 climbing ahead.
Beyond the Class 3 stuff now... looking over to Coyote Lake (10,201')... Point 10,905 (left), Point 10,800+ (center) and Point 10,988 (right).
On the Mt. Hunt summit (10,783') now... looking west to Indian Lake below Point 10,440+... with Housetop Mtn in the distance on the left.
Looking along Mt. Hunt's east ridge to Phelps Lake and the valley that connects Jackson Hole to Yellowstone National Park.
Looking north to the two bumps on Prospectors Mountain... with The Grand in the distance between them.
Looking south across Granite Canyon to Rendezvous Mountain on the left.
A better look at Coyote Lake on the right.
The Mt. Hunt summit cairn.
Looking across Granite Canyon... the Snake River snakes its way down the valley.
On the way down... I decided to avoid the Class 3 terrain... still steep, but only Class 2.
Back to the trail and looking up at the route that I took on the way down... needed to use a couple of veggie belays to get down the cliffy area in the center of the photo.
Back on the trail... looking across Granite Canyon to Rendezvous Mountain.
Prospectors Mountain from the Mt. Hunt Divide.
Mt. Hunt (center) from the Mt. Hunt Divide.
Prospectors Mountain (right)... Point 10,988 on the left... Open Canyon below.
Dropping into Open Canyon now... looking up at the NE side of Mt. Hunt.
From Open Canyon... looking up at the Mt. Hunt Divide (far left).
Prospectors Mountain (right) from near our campsite.
Woke up the next morning to find out what can happen to hiking poles when you just throw them on the ground instead of standing them up against a tree.
This is the route we will follow back to Teton Village.
The Open Canyon Creek is running strong.
We have reached the Valley Trail and now have 4.3 miles of hiking left to reach Teton Village.
The Open Canyon Creek.
Another thistle?
2.4 miles left to reach Teton Village... the day's hike from our camp in Open Canyon to Teton Village was 7 miles with a few hundred feet of elevation gain.