Yakima Peak - 8.28.2011
Yakima Peak is the 6226 foot peak above Tipsoo Lake near Chinook Pass. There is no official trail... 2 miles roundtrip, gaining 1000 feet of elevation.
Park on the north side of Chinook Pass.
The best way to do this one is to head for the pass between Yakima Peak and Point 6280+ to the north... before reaching the pass you will find a good boot path that contours around the east side of the peak.
We didn't find the good boot path... instead heading directly for the peak.
By missing the best route we got into a cliffy area.
Looking across Hwy 410 to Naches Peak.
Denali Girl is doing some bush whacking.
Finally above the cliffy area and in the open... we are looking for the boot path.
High enough now to see Tipsoo Lake.
The boot path that contours around the east side of Yakima Peak.
Our first look at Mt. Rainier since starting the hike.
Denali Girl coming up.
We are heading for the low point on the ridge above. This gully is steeper than it looks.
Denali Girl ascending... Naches Peak on the left.
Did I say that it was steep?
Tipsoo Lake from the Yakima Peak summit (6226').
The flatish top of Yakima Peak... Mt. Rainier in the distance.
Naches Peak and Tipsoo Lake from the Yakima Peak summit.
Looking across Governors Ridge and Tamanos Mountain to Mt. Rainier.
Denali Girl descending from the ridge.
Almlost done with the rotten gully.
Back on reasonable boot path now.
Traversing on the east side of Yakima Peak... heading for the pass between the peak and Point 6280+.
Point 6280+ is in the center of the photo... we are on a boot path now that will get us back to the car.
Hard to believe that there is still snow here on August 28.