Sherpa Peak - 9.1.2011
Our approximate route to Sherpa Peak... we did the summit on the middle day of a '3 day, 2 night' backpack trip... total elevation gain for the trip was ~7700 feet... with 4100 feet being on summit day.
iraman and rocman at the Esmeralda Basin trailhead (4200')... at the end of the N. Fork Teanaway River Road.
After a short hike, follow the Ingalls Way Trail.
After another short walk, follow the trail to Longs Pass.
iraman and rocman nearing Longs Pass.
Mt. Stuart from Longs Pass.
Point 6878 from Longs Pass.
The 'S' curves leading from Longs Pass down toward Ingalls Creek.
iraman heading down from Longs Pass.
The next morning now... summit day... rocman and iraman are actually on very good path here... we are taking Beckey's Variation No. 1 route.
At ~6000 feet this gully begins to narrow and steepen.
We are looking for a good place to exit this gully to the right.
Out of the gully now and gaining elevation quickly.
Still trying to get above the steep gully.
The steepness eases some at ~6600 feet.
Off of the 'Variation No. 1 route' now... iraman is giving back 150 feet of elevation down into the gully that will take us to the west ridge of Sherpa Peak.
Sherpa Peak in the center of the photo.
Looking back at the 150 feet of elevation that we just gave up to get into this gully.
Looking back at Bill Peak (center)... Iron Peak and Teanaway Peak on the right.
Ascending toward Sherpa Peak.
More and more rock to deal with as we get higher.
Getting closer, but still plenty of distance to go.
rocman and iraman gaining elevation.
rocman in the boulder field... good luck finding him.
Looking back at some of the Teanaway Peaks.
ragman in the rocks.
Mt. Stuart is up that way... somewhere.
rocman and iraman are standing on Table Rock (7400')... really.
Again... rocman and iraman on Table Rock.
Looking up toward Mt. Stuart.
From Table Rock I'm looking back at the terrain we have traveled.
Looking up toward Mt. Stuart... still 800 feet of elevation to gain before we start using the rope.
rocman and iraman (lower right) study the route notes while resting on Table Rock.
Some snow is a convenient diversion from all of the rock.
Looking up toward Mt. Stuart.
Looking back down the gully.
We have reached the summit block... are we really going up there?
iraman and rocman putting on rock climbing gear... Mt. Stuart (center).
Looking down the gully... across the Teanaway Peaks to Mt. Rainier.
Almost ready to start climbing.
Mt. Stuart from the col between Sherpa and Stuart.
iraman leading the first pitch.
iraman on the first pitch.
rocman leading...
rocman going higher...
Still higher...
rocman putting in a piece of protection...
and moving higher.
Looking across to Mt. Stuart.
Some of our gear is down there in the center of the photo.
iraman is watching rocman... Mountaineer Ridge is left of his pack... Axis Peak and Cashmere Mtn are above his head... Hi-Jack Peak and Eightmile Mtn are on the left.
Looking down at the Stuart/Sherpa col.
On a comfortable ledge here but we are off route... and iraman is looking at making a not so comfortable move to get around the corner.
First try... uh, lets try again.
Much better...
Just a little further.
iraman leading pitch 5 that will get us up to the crux move.
iraman getting closer to the crux move.
iraman just below the crux move... one more pitch will get us near the summit.
iraman is on the summit and looking back at us while we wait for our turn to touch the summit.
iraman on the Sherpa Peak summit (8605').
iraman got this shot of the Balanced Rock.
ragman making the second of two airy step-over moves.
ragman on the Sherpa Peak summit.
We didn't spend much time on the summit and are back to where we can see the Stuart/Sherpa col below.
rocman rappelling...
ragman being lowered down the last pitch... it is 6:00 p.m. and we need to get back to a good trail before it gets too dark to find our way.
The nex morning now... and time to pack all of the gear over Longs Pass and back to the car.
We can see Longs Pass in the center of the photo.
The flowers are hanging on very well.
A closeup of Sherpa Peak (center) as we get closer to Longs Pass.
rocman and iraman near Longs Pass.
rocman very close to Longs Pass.
Mt. Stuart from Longs Pass.
Leaving Longs Pass... the hike to the car is all down hill from here.