Teanaway Peak and Iron Peak - 11.4.2011
rodman's 2008 GPS route for Teanaway Peak and Iron Peak... ~7.5 miles round trip, gaining 3189 feet of elevation.
The trailhead parking area (3960') is next to the N. Fork Teanaway River Road... about a half-mile beyond the turnoff for the DeRoux Campground.
The trail starts gaining elevation quickly via nicely graded switchbacks... the east end of Esmeralda Peaks (left)... with distant views of Fortune Peak and the south summit of Ingalls Peak.
A closeup of Fortune Peak (left) and the south summit of Ingalls Peak.
After hiking ~2.75 miles we have reached the saddle (6200') between Teanaway Peak (above) and Iron Peak.
Our motley crew at the Iron/Teanaway saddle.
Iron Peak from the saddle... we will do it after we do Teanaway Peak.
Bill's Peak from the Iron/Teanaway saddle.
Izzy enjoys one of the simple pleasures in life.
The gang starting up Teanaway Peak from the saddle.
Snowdog, BarbE and madman heading up.
The crux of the trip was getting across this gully that is less than 100 yards from the saddle... cairns will assist you in this area.
recon, BarbE and rocman on a reasonable path that makes a gradual, upward traverse over to the east ridge of Teanaway Peak.
We are working our way towards the small tree in the right-center of the photo.
A better look at the landmark tree.
Traversing below the cliffs... Snowdog reaches the landmark tree.
Denali Girl coming up to the landmark tree... Iron Peak behind... the Iron/Teanaway saddle on the right.
Just because it feels like a summit and looks like a summit, doesn't necessarily make it a summit.
As we neared the east ridge of Teanaway Peak, we got our first view of Mt. Stuart, Sherpa Peak, Argonaut Peak, Colchuck Peak and Dragontail Peak.
Looking up at the Teanaway Peak summit.
Denali Girl heading for the east ridge of Teanaway Peak.
Reaching the east ridge of Teanaway Peak... the ridge in the foreground leads over to Longs Pass (hidden)... in the distance, the west summit of Esmeralda Peaks is in front of Hawkins Mountain... Mt. Daniel is snow covered in the center on the photo... far right is Fortune Peak and the three summits of Ingalls Peak.
A closeup of the gnarly part of the ridge between Teanaway Peak and Longs Pass... Esmeralda Peaks and Hawkins to the left... Mt. Daniel on the right.
Denali Girl nearing the Teanaway Peak summit.
Everyone but me on the Teanaway Peak summit.
A closer look our group on the Teanaway Peak summit (6779').
A closeup of Fortune Peak (left) and the three summits of Ingalls Peak.
A closeup of Mt. Stuart and Sherpa Peak from the Teanaway Peak summit.
A closeup... looking across the north ridge of Bill's Peak to Argonaut Peak (left), Colchuck Peak, Dragontail Peak, Little Annapurna and McClellan Peak.
A closeup of Esmeralda Peaks in front of Hawkins Mountain.
Iron Peak from Teanaway Peak... notice the smoke to the right of Iron Peak... a portion of the N. Fork is being logged and the scraps are being burned.
Bill's Peak (left foreground) and most of the eastern Teanaway peaks... Three Brothers, Bean, Earl, Mary's and Judy's.
College classmates (ragman, Denali Girl and rocman) on Teanaway Peak... Class of I'll-Never-Tell.
Izzy and Snowdog leads us down the east ridge as we trace our steps back.
Leaving the Teanaway Peak summit... BarbE shows Denali Girl and rocman her special way of descending steep terrain.
Snowdog, madman and recon descending the east ridge of Teanaway Peak.
BarbE, Denali Girl and rocman descending.
Our group spreads out on the way down the east ridge of Teanaway Peak.
Denali Girl has turned south and is heading back towards the Iron/Teanaway saddle... the Iron Peak summit is far left.
Back at the Iron/Teanaway saddle and heading out on the half-mile ridge walk to the Iron Peak summit.
Denali Girl on the NW ridge of Iron Peak.
Nearing the Iron Peak summit (center of photo).
On the Iron Peak summit... looking back at Teanaway Peak, Mt. Stuart and Sherpa Peak... the Iron/Teanaway saddle is the orange area in the center of the photo.
Group shot on the Iron Peak summit (6510')... left-to-right... rocman, madman, Denali Girl, Snowdog, ragman, BarbE and recon.
Izzy... hamming it up on the Iron Peak summit... lucky, lucky dog.
Pano shot from the Iron Peak summit... Teanaway Peak (left) and Bill's Peak in the foreground... the Stuart Range is behind.
Leaving the Iron Peak summit and starting the half-mile walk back to the Iron/Teanaway saddle... the red line shows our general route from the saddle to the Teanaway Peak summit.
Bill's Peak (foreground) and the Stuart Range from the NW ridge of Iron Peak.
The weather to the west doesn't look so good.
Everyone points to their favorite summit in the area... almost back to the Iron/Teanaway saddle now... which will leave a 2.75 mile hike back to the car.