Wonderland of Rocks - 2.20.2019
From the west entrance pay station of Joshua Tree National Park... drive 8.9 miles on Park Blvd and turn left onto Hidden Valley Road... then drive 1.7 miles and turn left on the unsigned dirt surfaced Wall Street Mill Drive... then drive .3 miles to the dirt parking lot at the end of the road... it was 41 degrees when we started hiking at 11am.
The Wall Street Mill Trail heads NE from the parking lot... it is unsigned, but pretty obvious.
After hiking less than a quarter mile we turned left on an unsigned path that took us to the 'Worth Bagley Homestead'... locals refer to it as the Pink House or Wonderland Ranch.
Heading into the Wonderland of Rocks.
Checking out one of the caves along our route... some petroglyphs are on the walls.
A dam along the route.
Hiking deeper into the wonderland.
Nanda takes a photo of Anna Purna... with the Shark in the distance.
That's the Astro Domes over there... very popular rock climbing spot.
Glad I wasn't here when these rocks were formed.
The Camel.
Denali Girl and Anna Purna are hiking past The Freak Brothers Dome on the right... with the Red Obelisk Amphitheater on the left.
I scrambled up to the top of these rocks in 2017, but couldn't find the route today... aging I guess... the Astro Domes are in the right-center of the photo.
The Camel, Red Obelisk Amphitheater and Freak Brothers Dome from my high point for the day.
Who is that dude up there on the right with the big, fat nose?
Heading up a little rock ramp in search of one of the four dice in the wonderland.
Denali Girl got this shot of the dice... lets hope it doesn't tip to the right.
Heading out of the wonderland.
A brief stop at Denali Girl's kitchen on our way out of the wonderland.
Almost out of the wonderland... a short walk to the Pink House... then a short walk back to the car... our hike was 3.3 miles, gaining 430 feet of elevation.