Cone Peak and Iron Mountain - 7.19.2019
Tombstone Pass (~4220') is located ~37 miles west of the town of Sisters, Oregon on Highway 20... there is room for 15-20 cars to park.
This pretty much lays out our loop hike... we will do the hike in a counter clockwise direction... with the only thing missing being the cross-country route that I took to Cone Peak which is off of the top of the board.
From the parking lot Denali Girl starts off downhill on the Tombstone Prairie Nature Trail #3419.
After hiking a little more than a half-mile we left the Tombstone Prairie Nature Trail and took this short connector trail up toward Highway 20.
Crossing Highway 20... looking for Cone Peak Trail #3408.
Cone Peak Trail #3408 starts on the north side of Highway 20... there really aren't any designated parking spots for the trailhead.
Lupine... this hike is advertised as one of the five best wildflower hikes in the state of Oregon... time will tell.
Gaining elevation in the woods on the nicely graded Cone Peak Trail.
Don't know what this flower is, but there was a lot of it.
Magenta Paintbrush.
Woolly Sunflower.
The red one is Scarlet Gilia.
Very pretty, but no idea what it is.
After hiking ~2 miles we came out of the woods into a meadow and got this view of Cone Peak on the left and South Peak of Echo Mountain on the right.
Indian Paintbrush and a few sunflowers.
Beautiful... but no idea.
Looking up at Cone Peak as we continue along the Cone Peak Trail... wish I had headed cross country for the summit from right here, but I stayed on the trail for another quarter mile before leaving it.
I will head for Cone Mountain on its SW ridge... there is a path of sorts to follow.
Ascending the SW ridge of Cone Peak... lots of flowers... and there is a faint path to follow.
On the SW ridge of Cone Peak... looking down on the flowery meadow that we entered from Tombstone Pass... after I tag the Cone Peak summit I will return to the main trail and follow it over to join Denali Girl on the Iron Mountain summit.
Continuing up toward the Cone Peak summit.
Summit is in view!
Looking back at Iron Mountain beyond this stone fence near the summit of Cone Peak.
Beautiful flowers near the summit of Cone Peak.
Peak identification from the summit (5646') of Cone Peak.
A closeup of Mt. Jefferson from the summit of Cone Peak.
Echo Mountain (the main summit is in the middle)... with Three Fingered Jack and Mt. Washington on the horizon.
Leaving the summit of Cone Peak and heading for Iron Mountain.
Ballhead Waterleaf.
Lots of variety on the south ridge of Cone Peak.
Looking back up the south ridge of Cone Peak... I decided to take a slightly different route down.
In search of the Cone Peak Trail.
Looking back up toward the Cone Peak summit.
Almost back to the Cone Peak Trail... Iron Mountain is in the distance.
Back on the Cone Peak Trail which will stay in the woods most of the way over to where I will find the Iron Mountain Trail on the west side of the mountain.
Cascade Lily.
One of the peekaboo views of Cone Mountain as I continue around the north side of Iron Mountain.
I have met the Iron Mountain Trail on the west side of the mountain... and I will follow it on up to the summit.
Blue Flax.
Switchbacking my way up to the summit of Iron Mountain.
I can see the platform on the summit... it was built in 2007 when they removed the lookout.
On the Iron Mountain summit (5440+)... Cone Peak in the foreground... with Mt. Jefferson in the distance on the left.
Left to right... North Sister, Middle Sister, South Sister and Mt. Bachelor and The Husband on the far right.
Peak identification from the summit of Iron Mountain.
Cone Peak on the left... and the multi-summited Echo Mountain.
ragman and Denali Girl on the Iron Mountain summit.
Heading down from the Iron Mountain summit in a sea of wildflowers.
Time to cross Highway 20 again... we will connect with the Santiam Wagon Road Trail.
Just off of Highway 20... we will follow the Santiam Wagon Road Trail #3413 back to our car... the sign says it will be one mile, but it is really only a half-mile.
Back at Tombstone Pass... our loop hike was 8 miles, gaining 2886 feet of elevation.