Dutton Cliff and Point 8147 - 7.6.2021

We parked at the south end of Dutton Ridge on East Rim Drive in Crater Lake National Park... located between Sun Meadow and Kerr Valley.
We are hiking north on Dutton Ridge... here looking back to the south where we are parked on East Rim Drive... further south it is too hazy to see Agency Lake and Upper Klamath Lake.
Continuing to hike north on Dutton Ridge... very easy terrain to negotiate even though there is no trail to follow.
Bear Belle hiking on Dutton Ridge... we can see Point 8147 up there on the left... with Mount Scott on the horizon in the right center of the photo.
Continuing to gain elevation on Dutton Ridge... looking NE to Mount Scott on the left and south to a haze covered Agency Lake and Upper Klamath Lake.
After hiking 1.4 miles on Dutton Ridge we have reached our first good view of Crater Lake... we are only a tenth of a mile short of reaching Point 8147 which is the high point on Dutton Ridge... we are heading for Dutton Cliff... the light colored bump in the right foreground.
Looking down on the Phantom Ship below... with The Watchman and Hillman Peak above Wizard Island across the lake on the left... with Llao Rock across the lake in the center of the photo.
After hiking a total of 1.5 miles we are standing on top of Point 8147... looking at Wizard Island, The Watchman, Hillman Peak and Llao Rock across the lake... with Applegate Peak and Garfield Peak in the left foreground... time to continue on around to Dutton Cliff... the light colored cliff on the right.
rocman hiking around the east side of Point 8147... heading for Dutton Cliff... with Mount Scott out there on the right.
Heading for Dutton Cliff... Llao Rock is across the lake on the left... with Mount Bailey on the horizon to the left of Dutton Cliff... and Mount Thielsen the very pointed peak on the horizon to the right of Dutton Cliff.
rocman is out there on the far right... working his way up the ramp to Dutton Cliff.
After hiking a total of 1.9 miles, rocman and I have reached Dutton Cliff... here looking back at Point 8147 where Denali Girl and Bear Belle decided to wait for us to return.
Dutton Cliff pretty much offers a complete view of Crater Lake... including all of the coves, bays, etc.
On our way back to Point 8147 where Bear Belle and Denali Girl are waving to us from the summit.
More or less tracing our steps back to our car which is parked down there in the sunshine... some of the haze has lifted and we can now kind of see Agency Lake and Upper Klamath Lake... the hike was a total of 3.6 miles, gaining 937 feet of elevation.