Split Rock - 3.18.2024
We parked at the trailhead for the Split Rock Loop... and this is the split rock.
I'm not here to do the loop hike... I have left the parking lot and will head over to the rock slabs in the left-center of the photo.
Nice slabs.
I am ascending the slabs... and is the weather going to be an issue?... and a little later I will be scrambling up that rock formation over in the middle of the photo.
A pano from the top of those slabs that were in earlier photos... there are two climber bolts in the bottom of the photo.
Looking back at the parking lot for the Split Rock Loop.
I'm going to head over to those slabs in the middle of the photo.
Ascending nice slabs.
Rugged looking terrain.
I will leave the slabs and head over to the two massive rock formations on the far left horizon.
Nearing those two massive rock formations from the previous photo.
Heading up in between the massive rock formations from the previous two photos.
I'm going to work my way over to the flat looking top of the rocks in the middle of the photo.
I will hike out to the end of this cooridor to get up on the top of the flat rocks.
Looking back at how I got over here... from the upper left and around to where I am standing now.
A pano shot... with the Eagle Cliff on the horizon... and the parking lot is barely visible on the right.
I'm going to head down and join the Split Rock Loop trail.
Getting close to the Split Rock Loop Trail.
Looking back at where I came down to join the trail.
After hiking on the trail for a quarter-mile I have left the trail... with 'Tulip Rock' on the far left.
Continuing to hike off trail.
Continuing to hike off trail... looking over there at the back side of the 'Cling or Fling Cooridor'... so I will go through this narrow passage to get a closer look at the corridor.
The back side of the 'Cling or Fling Cooridor'... Denali Girl and I went through the corridor in 2019 and afterwards we decided that we would not do it again.
Leaving the corridor area.
Hiking around the huge rock formation that houses the corridor... with the parking lot over there on the far left.
I am on the front side of the 'Cling or Fling Cooridor... and going to head up that way.... but I will not do the corridor.
Gaining elevation... but I will be going up on the right.
Heading for that little gap up there in the middle of the photo.
I have made it through the little gap and almost up to my high point.
Looking back down at the little gap I just came through... and I can see the parking lot out there on the left.
Getting ready to stand my high point for the day.
On my high point (4415 feet) for the day... looking down at the parking lot.
A pano shot from my high point.
Down from my high point and heading for the car.
A stone's throw from the parking lot... the hike was a total of 1.8 miles, gaining 307 feet of elevation.