Layout Step of Website Design
This step of website design consists of deciding on the
content, color schemes,
graphics, fonts, images, and navigation techniques for the site.
Most people have a pretty good idea of what they want
their website to look like. A lot of your website ideas will come from viewing other
websites and combining features from several sites to create
your own site.
On the surface, this step of website design may seem
pretty simple; however, the decisions made in this step will impact how
each of the other four website design steps are completed.
Your site content is the most important part of your site.
This is where you tell your story and capture your audience's
attention and make them want to stay on your site. Your
site must be easy to navigate so that your viewer doesn't get confused
while moving from page to page and the color scheme must be easy on the
viewer's eyes.
Website design is not a one time activity. Almost all
websites alter their layouts to give it a new and better
look. Also with advancement in technology, underlying code
also changes accordingly, adding new possibilities of
providing a better layout.